Saturday, October 31, 2009


Spirit Driven Incarnation

“Every Product decays and ceases to exist, and the man who made it will pass away with it.”
14:19 Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach

These are strong words from a wise man from long ago. It is easy to become lost in design and have it define who you are. This is not the song I’d like to linger on after my designs and I pass. My voice comes from deeper within than the fleeting consumerism of society. I believe that visual voice is the way that your inspiration from the Master Creator is manifested. For me this is through a longing and deep love that I have for my earthly father that reflects my love and longing for my Creator. This longing draws me near to my Creator who fills me with joy and is my creative energy. I wish to reflect His nature and characteristics in my artwork - not letting the artwork frame me as a person, but Christ the ultimate creator.

My visual voice affects the way I approach design. I have always been a tactile person and think that designing outside of the computer is a far more thrilling rabbit hole to dive down than straight computer work. Perhaps this sways me from digital illustration to design layout. I thrive off of tackling the bull of design and riding the waves of problems there are to cleverly and tangibly solve - happy accidents make my day and naturally happen when design is taken physically by the horns. These unforeseen problems lead you down the hazy path of brainstorming to an unseen end. When I start designing I crave to feel the uncertainty that it is actually possible. A goal in design for me is to take basic elements outside their norm and fashion them in a clever manor.

A voice needs to be heard and have a purpose. Other than to represent my creator I long to typify people who don’t have an utterance in the market place: the widow and the orphan, the underprivileged and overlooked. With this I do not only want to raise awareness but point to action. I don’t think it is right to raise a point without a way channel one’s feelings.

While I was on the Isle of Iona I met this tall Parisian man named William who discussed with me art and future goals. I told him “I just want to go against what society has distinguished as beautiful and the way they do it!” I was expressing my frustration with marketing and being a designer in this sick society. To this he replied “Against society? Rachel, no. Don’t justify your rebellion with blame. This fight leads one to filling oneself with self-righteousness. Live and design for communion with the other, your neighbor.” This cracked the chip on my shoulder, humbling my heart and stoking my fire for design. I left that conversation with a deeper love for my neighbor and Creator.

“When a man has tasted the source of all water -
he knows the taste of all rivers”
- William

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