Monday, May 24, 2010

Whirl Wind of May

Where do I even think about starting? May was kicked off with weekend senior gallery talks and annual art parties. I am proud to say that the Senior Graphic Design Class of 2010 all survived their Senior Portfolio presentations and Graduation, well done all, we've done George Fox proud.

As a senior the bombarding question of "What's next after graduation?" came in 1000 times a day in 1000 forms drudging up the same feeling that shouted "I DUNNO!" Since January since I have been building two different scenarios for that question, if I get in, and if I don't. Trying not to get too invested in either idea, whilst still facing the question of WHAT'S NEXT?

The coin that was held suspended for six months was my application to a Post Baccalaureate program at NYCAMS (New York Center For Art and Media Studies), where I just recently got ACCEPTED to participate in their 2010-2011 program. There I will be completing an internship (at this point I don't know where) and a project proposal. The program is located in the heart of Manhattan Island in Chelsea District, where all the artsy people gather. Find out more here (NYCAMS)

It seems so much bigger to talk about it now. The question of "What Next?" has a new feeling attached to it; one that feels something like, "Holy WOW, I AM LEAVING IN THREE MONTHS!"

Well Milton Glaser seemed to LOVE NY, so I think I shall give it a try!

This summer still has much to offer in terms of adventures and preparation for this whole trip to NYC.

Until then, keep creating

- rebel.

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